Teen Volunteers

Want to give back to your community? Need service hours for a club, organization, or your school? Volunteer with the Woodridge Public Library.

Teens in grades 7 - 12 are invited to get involved with in-person volunteering or by contributing a book review.

Questions? Send an email to askus@woodridgelibrary.org.

In-Person Volunteering

Find upcoming volunteering opportunities listed on this page and the volunteering calendar

We have volunteering events scheduled regularly where teens can come and help out by completing library tasks (e.g., preparing crafts and other items, pulling materials, cleaning). In addition, we sometimes need help during events. We ask that teen volunteers limit their in-person activities to no more than two events a month so everyone has a chance to get involved.

Service hours earned depends on the length of each event.

If you register but can't make it, remember to cancel to give someone else the chance to volunteer.

Library staff will provide letters to participating students during each volunteering event. These letters will include the number of service hours earned. 

Write a Book Review

Write one book review, get one hour of service! Use the form below to submit your book review. One review may be submitted per month.

Book reviews need to be at least 5 sentences long.

Quotes from reviews may be added to our book shelves, displays, and social media to recommend books. 

Submission Details

  • Complete the submission form and submit your work.
  • Reviews of fiction, nonfiction, graphic novels, and audiobooks appealing to students in grades 7 – 12 are all acceptable.
  • Both print and digital formats (e.g., ebooks, downloadable audiobooks) are allowed.

Library staff will be emailing volunteer letters to participating students. These letters will include the number of service hours earned. 

teen volunteers logo

Upcoming Opportunities

This event is in the "Teens" group.

Teen Pizza & Service

12:00pm - 1:30pm
Library Branch: Woodridge Public Library
Room: Off-the-Lobby
Age Group: Teens
Program Type: Volunteering
Registration Required
Seats Remaining: 9
Event Details:

Complete one service hour and enjoy pizza.

Submit Your Book Review
